Oh, Courtney, how broad the brush you use to paint those of us who marched. It must make it easier for you to justify your very unscientific beliefs. You see, I am the poor child, the abused child, the child who ended up homeless and pregnant, — and I am the REASONS you give why abortion is needed and necessary even as you deny me the right to exist because I don’t fit in your carefully crafted image of what constitutes a worthwhile life. All those things people mention as “reasons” for abortion — the rape, the incest, the child abuse, the poverty, the drugs, etc…all of those things can be overcome. You know what can’t be overcome? Abortion. Death is permanent. Kill the baby, kill the baby’s hopes for a better life and a better future.
Tell me, Courtney — you say we who March for Life do nothing for those who are homeless and in poverty and struggling.
Do you know me? Do you know my story? Do you know that I took in those same foster kids that other people wouldn’t? Do you know that I have personally taken the homeless into my home and helped them get back on their feet even as I struggled to stay on my own? Do you know my little sister and the three children she’s taken in who weren’t hers biologically but whose mother couldn’t take care of them and who would have been lost to the system otherwise?
Do you know my friends, the ones who fight to help pay the tens of thousands of dollars it costs to adopt the Down’s Syndrome kids that women like you deem unworthy of being born? Did you know that 97% of the babies diagnosed with Downs Syndrome in utero will go on to abort?
Do you know why I don’t vote for government health insurance? It isn’t the same as health care. Just because you have health insurance doesn’t mean you can afford the copays to use it! Furthermore, taxing the poor for being unable to pay for insurance? Assanine! You’re darned right I didn’t vote for that oppressive law and I can’t wait for the day it’s repealed. Health insurance is not health care. Passing a law that forces the poor to pay for health insurance they can’t afford makes wealthier people feel good about having taken care of a problem without actually doing anything to help the poor at all.
So, yes, I marched for life. Because without the right to life no other right actually matters. Dead people aren’t out fighting for their rights. Only the living care about them.